web design | web apps | ecommerce | marketing | seo | consultancy

Firenorth is committed to providing bespoke high-end website development, design, search engine optimisation, marketing and consultancy on a project or contractual basis. We partner with your business to grow your online presence using the latest professional web standards. We specialise in robust front-end interfaces built using HTML5/CSS3 & Javascript with PHP & MySQL, delivered by our powerful, yet user-friendly, administration software.

Latest projects:

Timothy Dunn London Energy Design Studio Mermaid Quay Deirdre Dyson Cardiff City Hall 20 Calvin Street Hawkins Hatton Paul Finn BASE Interior Welsh Government Computerworld Wales VIP Lounge 26 Global Trading Vega Service Location
Timothy Dunn LondonDeirdre DysonWelsh Government SeneddCardiff City HallMermaid QuayEnergy Design StudioComputerworld Wales